Learn more about Building for Wellbeing through our articles, books and conference proceedingsBook Neuroarchitecture: Designing High-rise Cities at Eye Level

Photograph by Rick Keus

Photographs by Rick Keus
How do we design the streets in large-scale housing projects so that they retain a human scale? This book seeks to remedy that by exploring the new hybrid field of neuroarchitecture in which researchers use advanced technology to find out how the body responds to sensory stimuli from the built environment.
Neuroarchitecture introduces the discipline and systematically analyses examples of high-density streets in Western cities like Amsterdam, Toronto, Manchester and Oslo. What design solutions have been employed there? And how are the places experienced visually? What lessons we can draw about designing with a human scale? Neuroarchitecture challenges conventional design guidelines and offers practical tips for enhancing the human scale of densely built environments. The book is available in English & Dutch.
Other Publications

Neuroarchitecture book

Journal Paper: The Non-Experts’ Experience of 3D City Visualisations

Experience as an instrument – Interview in City without fear of heights by Emiel Arends

Bouwen aan menselijk welbevinden – en dat in de snel dichter wordende stad

A dynamic user experience assessment for enhancing urban research and design practice

Developing a 360° built-environment assessment for urban research and planning practice

Sensing Streetscapes: Perspectives on Densification (Perspectieven op verdichting in Dutch)

Programming for the Subliminal Brain: Biometric Tools Reveal Architecture’s Biological Impact

Knowledge Quest: Submit Your Proposal for a Great High Density Environment

Exploring Eye-Tracking Technology

Using Neuro-Architecture to Reinforce Participatory Planning and Design

Eye-Tracking Street Users’ Visual Exploration of Buildings Across the Western World

Eye-Tracking the City: Matching the Design of Streetscapes in High-Rise Environments with Users’ Visual Experiences

Sensing Streetscapes: 2-year research on the physical-behavioral interrelationship aimed at informing the design of human-scaled densification in Amsterdam

Exploring the Application of (Eye)tracking Technology: Assessing urban design principles for streetscapes in high-density built environments

Verbinden van fysiek en sociaal: biometrisch actieonderzoek naar leefbare straten