Consortium Partners
(in alphabetical order)

AM Landskab
AM Landskab werkt aan het succesvol verweven van strategie, participatie en ontwerp voor de leefomgeving. Eigenaar Anne-Mette Andersen omschrijft zichzelf als een ’onderzoekende maker’. Zij heeft zowel in de rol van projectmanager als ontwerper talrijke stedenbouwkundige en openbare ruimte projecten uitgevoerd en voelt feilloos aan wat een plek nodig heeft. ’Mijn doel is, dat de ingrepen die AM Landskab ontwerpt, hoe minimaal ook, de uitstraling en het gebruik van de leefomgeving verbetert en tegelijker de maatschappelijke waarde van het gebied verhoogt’.

Arcadis is a leading global design and consultancy firm for natural and built assets. They aspire to improve the quality of life by creating livable places where people and communities can thrive with a focus on finding innovative and lasting solutions. They do this by working on a sustainable living environment with an integrated approach and providing sustainable design, engineering, and consultancy services.

Arcam is the architecture centre of Amsterdam. We organise programmes about architecture and urban development. Our exhibitions, debates, and research projects are accessible, yet critical; mindful of history, but always with an outlook towards the future.

The BNSP is the Professional Association of Dutch Urbanists and Planners. It is a platform for meeting, developing, networking, educating and supporting spatial professionals. The BNSP unites urban and planning companies, governmental organizations, individual members, young professionals and students. Activities are for example: professional meetings and excursions, lectures and masterclasses, pilots, an annual congres and partnerships with other professional societies.
The BNSP is represented in our organization by Bert Harmelink of Reuring Advies and Elma van Beek of Bureau Maris.
Reuring advies is a senior consultant specialized in spatial development, project management and urban planning. Reuring Advies approaches projects in progress primarily from the themes of ‘participation process’ and ‘sustainability’.
The core business of Bureau Maris is urban and landscape design. Having experts in city planning, landscape architecture and civil engineering, Bureau Maris works for governments as well as property developers. Besides design, their consultancy includes technology and management, and is always focused on plans which are sustainable, creative and realistic.

BURA urbanism
BURA urbanism is an internationally operating office for urban design, research and (landscape) architecture. We focus on socially relevant projects and urgent spatial challenges. Our office provides solutions for the sustainable development and transformation of the urban landscape, through focused urban design strategies, innovative research and architectural interventions. BURA adopts an exploratory and cooperative design approach in bringing together parties and supervising spatial processes from idea to implementation. We search for synthesis between orgware, software and hardware in urban environments. Our office has expertise in the following areas: complex urban developments, new residential and working districts, station areas, landscape visions, re-use and transformation, urban and regional economy, energy transition, healthy urbanisation.

IMOSS is a design and consultancy firm specialized in urban planning, landscape and the public domain. They offer effective solutions for spatial challenges to both government/cities and businesses. Creative and realistic. IMOSS develops spatial plans in conjunction with a strategy on realization or development. With their pragmatic approach, they will help you realize your ambitions. They work quickly, carefully and accurately.

Juli Ontwerp
Wij geloven in ‘Creating healthy buildings for happy lives’. We ontwerpen vastgoed dat het geluk en de gezondheid van de mensen die wonen en werken in onze steeds meer verdichtende steden centraal stelt. Vastgoed dat is gericht op blijvende maatschappelijke waarde (voor zowel gebruikers als investeerders) en niet op alleen directe winst. Geluksgedreven vastgoed noemen we dat.

MORE Architecture

De Nederlandse Vereniging voor Tuin- en landschapsarchitectuur (NVTL) is the only Dutch professional association for garden and landscape architects and designers. Our many national and international members represent the very best of the profession. The NVTL is the hub of the profession in the Netherlands and we are committed to the quality of garden and landscape architecture and design. We represent the interests on many fronts, stimulate the development of the profession and bring clients and agencies into contact with each other and with complementary disciplines. The NVTL is an open association which anyone who cares about green design from garden to landscape can join. With approximately 700 members, it forms a broad reflection of the Dutch professional practice.

Posad Maxwan
Posad Maxwan are urban designers who work to create healthy, sustainable, smart cities. They achieve this through research, strategy, design and implementation. At PosadMaxwan they work with clients who are open to exploring new pathways. Posad Maxwan helps them by showing them what a clean, healthy city looks like and what they can do today to move toward that goal.

Scape Agency
Scape Agency is a spatial innovation collective that dreams, discovers and designs the everyday of tomorrow. We blend design thinking with emerging technologies to create a brighter perspective for people and planet. Our products and services naturalise technology in liveable and sustainable –scapes that spark the imagination and inspire future generations.

Space & Matter
Space&Matter is a studio for spatial design and concept development. With an integrated design approach they design and develop buildings and neighbourhoods that foster close knit communities and have a positive impact on our planet. Space&Matter creates urban development strategies; make online platforms; and even initiate new business ventures. They focus on improving the built environment and promoting a cohesive society.

Studio Vinke
Studio Vinke creates meaningful architecture and urban planning focused on the future. We design with attention to the spatial condition of the place where the user is central. We do this according to our three core values: Creative, Social and Sustainable.